
Flagship program of 1001fontaines, the Cambodian initiative has built evidence since 2005 of the relevance of its decentralized model for safe drinking water, the impact in the field, and its capacity to become financially viable.

Local partner

Teuk Saat 1001
(“Drinking water” in Cambodian)

Local water brand



In Cambodia, our flagship program enabled the successful establishment of more than 342 water kiosks across the country, through a long-term collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development. Operated by local entrepreneurs, these kiosks are overseen by Teuk Saat 1001, our local partner organization. The revenues generated from the water sales ensure the sustainability of the services, at community level and at national level. Impressively in a rural context, we have witnessed a robust adoption rate and a willingness to pay for our services, even among the most economically disadvantaged populations. This success is credited to the high quality of our water and the trust instilled by the professionalism of the services. 

Presently, 1,154,000 people drink O-we water across Cambodia, including more than 376,000 school children, demonstrating our model’s significant contribution to reaching universal access to safe drinking water.

Amandine Chaussinand

Our impact today


Water Kiosks, with 90% achieving profitability

liters of safe water produced every day

beneficiaries, including 376,000 children

regional platforms

1,000 +
schools served

local jobs created

Our ambition

– 1 –

Cover 100% of the rural communes with 10,000+ inhabitants

– 2 –

Be the government’s prime partner in rural areas

– 3 –

Become a showcase for social business by reaching the capacity to self-finance the growth

Before having access to 1001fontaines’ water, I used to boil water from the pond. But boiled water, even after rest, remains hot for a long time, so children would keep on drinking water from the pond. Now, they come back home to drink when they play. They help themselves out of the jug and are almost never ill. I am very happy for them, because they can really benefit from school, and when they grow up, they will have a job. I save time, since I do not need to boil water any longer, and I save money also: I do not need to take the kids to the dispensary and save on the medical expenses.

Sokha, Prek Luong village