Water kiosks: Sustainable safe water enterprises

Set up directly in the communities they target, water kiosks produce affordable safe drinking water thanks to a sustainable entrepreneurial model.


active water kiosks




jobs created

How it works

1 Locally available water is pumped from ponds, rivers, wells...
For a responsible resource management, our solution optimizes the volume of pumped water.
2 Water is then decanted, filtered, and then purified with a UV-based sterilization process.
Water kiosks rely on 100% renewable energy provided by solar panels installed on the building.
3 The purified water is then conditioned in 20-liter sanitized and sealed jugs, providing 2 to 3 days of consumption for an average household.
4 The jugs are then delivered directly to the families or schools.
Quality is thus guaranteed till the point of use.
5 The empty jugs are collected, cleaned and reused.
The plastic footprint is reduced.
6 The water quality is monitored every month, and complies with the World Health Organization’s standards.

Impact of one water kiosk


liters of water sold
per day on average


direct beneficiaries, and 10,000 potential consumers


jobs created


tons of CO2
saved every year

It only takes 4 months to build a water kiosk

And 3 months of operation to reach financial breakeven

Site selection Site selection Together with local communities and public authorities Building construction Building construction A 50-sqm building equipped with solar panels on the roof Equipment set up Equipment set up Micro-filters and UV lamp for a low-cost water production Selection and training Selection and training Thanks to our in-house curriculum, the Social Entrepreneur Academy Site launching Site launching Thanks to local awareness campaigns, every site starts with at least 500 customers Long-term support Long-term
Every month, an advisor ensures performance monitoring and entrepreneurs’ coaching

Support 1001fontaines in opening new water kiosks and change the lives of a whole community

As an individual or with your company, you can make it happen in 6 months!

A €40,000* donation will finance:

Site selection and community engagement

Water kiosk’s construction and equipment

Local entrepreneur’s selection
and training

Your benefits:

  • Your name or the name of your company on the water kiosk
  • 3 reports during the first 6 months, then quarterly reporting when in operation
  • An invitation to the inauguration

Your impact:

  • Lifelong access to safe drinking water for approximately 10,000 people
  • Training and coaching of one villager to become an entrepreneur
  • Creation of 3 sustainable jobs

* Donating to 1001fontaines is eligible for tax exemption in France, Switzerland, Belgium, the UK, the US… Contact us for more information.


Make a donation as an individual or an organization


Raise funds for a water kiosk